--- title: "Introduction to the covid19italy Datasets" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{intro} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` The covid19italy R package provides a tidy format dataset of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) pandemic outbreak in Italy. The package includes the following three datasets: - `italy_total` - daily summary of the outbreak on the national level - `italy_region` - daily summary of the outbreak on the region level - `italy_province` - daily summary of the outbreak on the province level The data was pull from [Italy Department of Civil Protection](https://www.protezionecivile.it/) ## Installation You can install the released version of covid19italy from [CRAN](https://cran.r-project.org/package=covid19italy) with: ``` r install.packages("covid19italy") ``` Or, install the most recent version from [GitHub](https://github.com/RamiKrispin/covid19italy) with: ``` r # install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("RamiKrispin/covid19Italy") ``` ## Data refresh The **covid19italy** package dev version is been updated on a daily bases. The `update_data` function enables a simple refresh of the installed package datasets with the most updated version on Github: ``` r library(covid19italy) update_data() ``` Note: must restart the R session to have the updates available ## Italy summary The `italy_total` dataset provides an overall summary of the cases in Italy since the beginning of the covid19 outbreak since February 24, 2020. The dataset contains the following fields: * `date` - timestamp, a `Date` object * `hospitalized_with_symptoms` - daily number of patients hospitalized with symptoms * `intensive_care` - daily number of patients on intensive care * `total_hospitalized` - daily total number of patients hospitalized (`hospitalized_with_symptoms` + `intensive_care`) * `home_confinement` - daily number of people under home confinement * `cumulative_positive_cases` - a daily snapshot of the number of positive cases * `daily_positive_cases` - daily new positive cases * `daily_cases` - daily new positive, recovered, and death cases * `recovered` - total number of recovered cases (cumulative) * `death` - total number of death cases (cumulative) * `positive_clinical_activity` - positive cases emerged from clinical activity * `positive_surveys_tests` - positive cases emerging from surveys and tests, planned at national or regional level * `cumulative_cases` - total number of positive cases (cumulative) * `total_tests` - total number of tests performed (cumulative) ```{r} library(covid19italy) data(italy_total) str(italy_total) head(italy_total) ``` ## Italy region level The `italy_region` dataset provides an overall summary of the cases in Italy's regions. The dataset contains the following fields: * `date` - timestamp, a `Date` object * `region_code` - the region code * `region_name` - the region name * `lat` - region latitude coordinate * `long` - region longitude coordinate * `hospitalized_with_symptoms` - daily number of patients hospitalized with symptoms * `intensive_care` - daily number of patients on intensive care * `total_hospitalized` - daily total number of patients hospitalized (`hospitalized_with_symptoms` + `intensive_care`) * `home_confinement` - daily number of people under home confinement * `cumulative_positive_cases` - a daily snapshot of the number of positive cases * `daily_positive_cases` - daily new positive cases * `daily_cases` - daily new positive, recovered, and death cases * `recovered` - total number of recovered cases (cumulative) * `death` - total number of death cases (cumulative) * `positive_clinical_activity` - positive cases emerged from clinical activity * `positive_surveys_tests` - positive cases emerging from surveys and tests, planned at national or regional level * `cumulative_cases` - total number of positive cases, recovered, and death (cumulative) * `total_tests` - total number of tests performed (cumulative) * `region_spatial` - the spatial region names as in the output of the `ne_states` function from the **rnaturalearth** package ```{r} data(italy_region) str(italy_region) head(italy_region) ``` ## Italy province level The `italy_region` dataset provides an overall summary of the cases in Italy's regions. The dataset contains the following fields: * `date` - timestamp, a `Date` object * `region_code` - the region code * `region_name` - the region name * `province_code` - the province code * `province_name` - the province name * `province_abb` - the province abbreviation * `lat` - province latitude coordinate * `long` - province longitude coordinate * `total_cases` - total number of positive cases (cumulative) * `new_tests` - daily number of positive cases * `province_spatial` - the spatial province names as in the output of the `ne_states` function from the **rnaturalearth** package ```{r} data(italy_province) str(italy_province) head(italy_province) ```