TSstudio - Functions for Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
Provides a set of tools for descriptive and predictive analysis of time series data. That includes functions for interactive visualization of time series objects and as well utility functions for automation time series forecasting.
Last updated 2 years ago
9.02 score 425 stars 656 scripts 3.8k downloadscoronavirus - The 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Dataset
Provides a daily summary of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases by state/province. Data source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CCSE) Coronavirus <https://systems.jhu.edu/research/public-health/ncov/>.
Last updated 2 years ago
8.25 score 499 stars 716 scripts 554 downloadscovid19italy - The 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Italy Dataset
Provides a daily summary of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Italy by country, region and province level. Data source: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile <https://www.protezionecivile.it/>.
Last updated 2 years ago
6.07 score 47 stars 25 scripts 240 downloadsUSgas - The Demand for Natural Gas in the US
Provides an overview of the demand for natural gas in the US by state and country level. Data source: US Energy Information Administration <https://www.eia.gov/>.
Last updated 2 years ago
5.56 score 9 stars 41 scripts 1.9k downloadscovid19sf - The Covid19 San Francisco Dataset
Provides a verity of summary tables of the Covid19 cases in San Francisco. Data source: San Francisco, Department of Public Health - Population Health Division <https://datasf.org/opendata/>.
Last updated 2 years ago
5.16 score 12 stars 12 scripts 226 downloadsUKgrid - The UK National Electricity Transmission System Dataset
A time series of the national grid demand (high-voltage electric power transmission network) in the UK since 2011.
Last updated 5 years ago
4.42 score 28 stars 19 scripts 434 downloadsUSgrid - The Demand and Supply for Electricity in the US
Provides a set of regular time-series datasets, describing the US electricity grid. That includes the total demand and supply, and as well as the demand by energy source (coal, solar, wind, etc.). Source: US Energy Information Administration (Mar 2021) <https://www.eia.gov/>.
Last updated 4 years ago
4.10 score 25 stars 8 scripts 240 downloadsEIAapi - Query Data from the 'EIA' API
Provides a function to query and extract data from the 'US Energy Information Administration' ('EIA') API V2 <https://www.eia.gov/opendata/>. The 'EIA' API provides a variety of information, in a time series format, about the energy sector in the US. The API is open, free, and requires an access key and registration at <https://www.eia.gov/opendata/>.
Last updated 2 years ago
4.04 score 10 stars 22 scripts 353 downloads